
Painted Turtle at the Farm 🐢

Painted turtles are commonly found around quiet bodies of water. These brightly colored turtles gain…

CSA Package – Week of June 19-26

Spring CSA package this week will consist of 🍓strawberries (2 quarts), Asparagus (1 lb.) fresh…

Garlic Pesto Recipes

Garlic Scape Pesto is a must-have pesto that keeps excellently in your freezer and can…

CSA Package – Week of June 12-18

Based on demand the early spring CSA package this week will consist of:  🍓 Strawberries (2…

CSA Package – Week of June 6-10

👋 This week’s early spring CSA package consists of 🍓 Strawberries (2 quarts), Asparagus(2 lbs.).…