In honor of all the professional Health Care Workers on the front lines nurses, first responders, doctors, hospital workers, paramedics, firefighters, grocery workers, transit employees, nursing home care takers and others outlined by CISA guidelines we are offering a 4% CSA discount.

From farm to table Community Support Agriculture is a safe way to acquire your produce. Call ahead, pull into the driveway and we will safely put your CSA produce in your trunk.

Health Care Worker Discounts on Full Shares up to 4% (Save $26.00) making the full share $624.00.  

Health Care Workers Discounts on Half Shares up to 4% (Save $13.00) making the half share $312.00

In addition, all CSA members who register for a full share of 22 weeks need only pay the first 1⁄2 half (1-11 weeks) and on the 12th week pay the other 1⁄2 share which will cover 12-22 weeks.

All 1⁄2 share CSA members can select any week from the 22 weeks for their pick up selection.

We salute all of the Health Care Professionals and know of no other way to thank you for your dedicated service and sacrifice to help others and save lives.