Welcome to Autumn Harvest Orchard
Certified Naturally Grown
We grow and sell only fresh Certified Naturally Grown produce from our farm and orchard in Norfolk, Connecticut.
Find out where you can buy our produce, where we participate in area farmers’ markets and learn about our partnerships with local retailers and restaurants!

At Autumn Harvest Orchard, LLC we are committed to producing good tasting healthy natural fruit, berries and vegetables to the consumer. As naturally grown farmers we believe sustainable farming practices and leaving the land in a better state than what we found it in. Not only are we good stewards of the land we work in harmony with nature and wildlife.
Apple Varieties

Early Summer, Yellow Apple.
A beautiful lemon yellow colored apple with a tender skin and perfect finish. This high quality apple is very productive and is a good keeper for an early apple. It is crisp and sweet and has essence of pear and lemon flavor.
Parentage: McIntosh and Golden Delicious.
Late Summer, Red Apple.
Medium size, glossy fruit with 90% bright red color. Smooth, waxy, russet-free skin. Light flesh is crisp and juicy.
Parentage: Johnathan, Melba and Raritan.
Early Fall, Red Apple
Sounds like an heirloom variety, but actually a modern American apple variety, developed specifically for disease resistance.
Parentage: Macoun.
Gold Rush
Late Fall, Red Apple
GoldRush is an attractive smooth-skinned modern dessert apple. The flavor is excellent and typical of Golden Delicious but with a bit more acidity.
Parentage: Golden Delicious.
Very Late Fall, Red Apple
A late-season apple with a crisp, tart and spicy flavor with excellent keeping qualities. The skin is quite thick and tough but although Enterprise is good for eating fresh, it is perhaps better as a cooking apple where its tart flavor and firmness is an advantage.
Parentage: includes McIntosh, Golden Delicious, and Rome Beauty.

We are happy to be part of several agricultural memberships and affiliations promoting naturally grown, sustainable and responsible farming.
You can find out about then by clicking here ➡️