Snapping Turtle laying her eggs!
On this particular day a snapping turtle came up from the pond and laid eggs by the spaghetti squash. It’s really amazing to see the wildlife roam free.
Snapping turtles are widespread in Connecticut. Their ability to adapt to people and the state’s changing landscape has made them evolutionarily successful.
Painted Turtle Basking in the Sun
This beautiful little turtle (about 7” long) was spotted during June 2022. We think that based on the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s (DEEP) description, this is a painted turtle out for a stroll.
Painted turtles are commonly found around quiet bodies of water. These brightly colored turtles gain their name from colorful markings along the head, neck, and shell.
The DEEP reports painted turtle’s mating season is from early March to mid-June. Given that we found this turtle near the pond on June 20, maybe its out for a stroll looking for a mate.