The last week of September’s CSA package will consist of Liberty and Goldrush Apples, Blue (Adirondack) or Red (Norland) Potatoes (2 lbs.), 1-2 Eggplants depending on size or 2 Turnips or Green & Yellow beans, 1 pt. of grape tomatoes, 1 pt. small onions with 2 small garlic cloves and 2 jalapeño peppers, 2 Swiss Chards, Zucchini (1), Lettuce (2-3 each) and a mix bundle of herbs consisting of garlic chives, parsley and sage. 

If anyone wants extra blue potatoes, they are $4.00/lb. and green beans are $6.00 lb.   Additional herbs are $3.00 a bunch sage. 

Note: The Kale needs to recover and only Swiss Chard is available this week.   

Autumn Harvest Orchard, LLC 

Certified Naturally Grown